
Thursday, 13 October 2011

Sell Casino Winnings

You won big. You didn't get a lump sum up front. The casino is making annual payments. For whatever reason, you want all your money now. Can anything be done to get your money?

The answer is no and yes.

No, in that the casino isn't going to pay you off. They will draw out payments for years and collect interest on the money they could have paid you in a lump sum. You can ask, beg, sue, bribe, they have an iron-clad contract and they're not going to release your funds.

But direct negotiation isn't the only option. Nearly ever state allows the transfer of casino winnings contracts, it's just a process-sometimes short, sometimes longer-you must go through to sell your contract. So, yes, there is a way for you to receive the remaining balance of your casino funds. You need to sell your casino winnings contract to a buyer. By buyer, we mean there are investors who will purchase your contract for a lump sum. The total value of your casino winnings is X and they will pay you Y. This amount differs by the investor.

Your best option to sell your casino winnings is to find as many buyers as possible, or a broker who works with these investors. A broker, or middleman is a lot like a mortgage broker. They talk to different investors and try to find you the best deal possible. That's being idealistic. Oftentimes these middle men find the investor who will pay them the highest commission. Not all do that, but many do. So, it's your responsibility to keep these middlemen honest. How do you keep them honest? You keep them honest by being your own middle man, and harnessing the power of good old fashion honest competition.

Utilizing an auction format to sell your casino winnings is the only option. A marketplace platform with top casino winnings buyers all located in one location that allows you, the owner, to deal directly with top casino buyers. Further, you can do so from the comfort of your own home, without revealing your personal contact information to these top buyers.

These companies want your business and they'll do nearly anything to win it. Don't be fooled by fast-talk or fear-mongering. Simply analyze each deal by how much they will pay you in a lump sum for your contract. They're all offering the same services. There's nothing really different about any of them. The only different is in their ability to get you the most money possible for your casino winnings.

Sarah Celeste has discovered a site that makes casino winning buyers compete for your business. You sign up with the details of your casino winnings and the buyers compete for your business. No phone calls. No hassles. It's all online. Sign up to obtain the absolute most money for your casino


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